Like most people in this situation, you are coping with the shock of loss and figuring out what you can do to make them understand what a mistake they have made. It’s that moment we all dread, even if at times we’ve seen it coming; your ex tells you that your relationship is over.Not pestering your ex partner for answers and giving them some room to figure things out is the most important thing to do right now. It is the period just after you have broken up that is the most crucial. Saying and doing the right things at this time are vital factors in your relationship with your ex. When your ex tells you that they want to break up with you, you should, in a calm and collected manner, tell them that is a good idea, even perhaps saying that you had been thinking about it yourself. It may seem like an odd thing to do, but it truly is not what your ex is expecting. This is the most effective reponse in this situation. Already sent a barrage of text messages or been constantly ringing your lost love? Don't fret, there is a tecnique you can try to bring some calm to the situation. It's a bit harder to take this action, but you need to do it to give your ex the space that they asked for. What is the magic technique? Simply write them a very short letter. In it, just say that you have thought about it and that they were absolutely right in wanting to end the relationship. You will come across as acceptingl and calm which is much more appealing to them than being desperate and needy. The letter must be very brief and the only thing you should say is that you agree with the break up. The strength of this method is in the letter itself. It simply wont work with a text message, or if you say it in person or over the phone. Can you see why this technique can be so effective? In a very physical, real way you are letting your ex know that you have heard them. You have listened. Yet another phone call or text message will not send them the signal that you are finally listening. It's just same the old routine, which your lost love has probably steeled themselves to. A letter, sent by mail gets their attention and helps them see you in a different light.

letter to ex boyfriend

letter to ex boyfriend

love letter to win back your ex

Now you know the first step to winning back your ex. For the exact words to get your ex back, visit words to get your ex back, visit How to get ex back tipsfor more relationship advice.